CUSD Orchestra Festival
Buchanan Orchestras

Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall
Fresno, California • Thursday, March 27, 2025

LAST UPDATE: 3/10/25 • 3:30pm

General Trip Details

Emergency Contacts: John Lack, Director, (509) 389-0467 (Emergencies Only)
Student Transportation:

  • BHS String Orchestra: Provided to and from event via School Bus.

  • BHS Chamber Orchestra: Provide to the event only.

Festival Details 

Festival Site: Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall (Campus of Clovis North), 2770 E. International Ave, Fresno, CA 93730 (Map Below)
Admission: Free! (Anyone may attend the performance.)
Festival Schedule: Click Here [Coming Soon]
Performance Times:
BHS String Orchestra - 11:45am
BHS Chamber Orchestra - 2:45pm
Spectator Parking: Free in the parking lot on the south side of the Concert Hall.

Important Reminders

  • Out of respect for fellow audience members and spectators as well as copyright laws, please do not video record Buchanan/Alta Sierra Instrumental Music Performances. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Students will be excused from all missed classes. Please see your teachers for missed work. 

  • Please be a GREAT audience if you attend the performance!

Packing List

  • Instrument, Music, Mutes, Rock Stops, Stools, etc.

  • Concert Attire:

    • BHS String Orchestra: All black concert attire

    • BHS Chamber Orchestra: Concert Dresses & Tuxedos

  • Chamber Orchestra: Bring a sack lunch (or grab a school lunch and eat quickly. See itinerary)

Itinerary - BHS String Orchestra

8:30am  School Starts/Report to Buchanan Bandroom in concert attire. Rehearse briefly.
9:00am  Load Bus
9:05am  Depart for Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall
9:20am  Arrive at Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall
9:40am  Festival Announcements
9:45am  Watch Clovis North String Orchestra
10:15am  Watch Clovis West String Orchestra
10:45am  Watch Clovis East String Orchestra
11:15am  Warm Up
11:45am  Buchanan String Orchestra Performance
12:15pm  Load Bus/Depart for BHS
12:30pm  Arrive at BHS Bandroom. Put instruments away. Go to lunch & attend afternoon classes.

Itinerary - BHS Chamber Orchestra

12:00pm  Dismissed from 3rd Period. Eat lunch change into concert attire)
12:30pm  Load Bus & Depart for Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall
12:45pm  Arrive at Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall
1:10pm  Festival Announcements
1:15pm Watch Clovis East Chamber Orchestra
1:45pm  Watch Clovis West Chamber Orchestra
2:15pm  Warm Up
2:45pm  Buchanan Chamber Orchestra Performs
3:15pm  Watch Clovis High Chamber Orchestra
3:45pm  Dismissed from Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall (Transportation NOT provided)


