Welcome to the Alta Sierra Band program! Our Band program serves over 120 students in grades 7 & 8. Students are placed in one of three (3) ability-based Band classes at Alta Sierra: Intermediate Band, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Charnow at Have a terrific year as a Bruin Band member!

In Band, students will learn proper technique on a selected instrument, musicianship, performance etiquette, music theory, aural skills, practice & organizational skills, citizenship, discipline, and teamwork. Band members will have the opportunity to perform in multiple concerts and festivals throughout the year!

We hope that through their participation in the ASI Band, students will develop a lifelong love and appreciation of music. If you have any questions that are not addressed on this page, please feel free to contact your director here.


  • Instrument (owned, rented, or school-owned)

  • Pencil

  • Music Binder (preferably a black, 3-ring binder with plastic sheet protectors)

  • Method Book (see below)

  • Instrument Supplies (reeds, cork grease, valve oil, etc… also called a “care kit”)

  • Metronome/Tuner (strongly encouraged!) We recommend purchasing your own Korg TM-60 or TM-70 Tuner w/contact mic (available online or at your local music store).


We encourage students to rent or purchase* their own instrument from a reputable music instrument retailer. Purchasing or renting will ensure that your child gets to play his/her 1st choice of instrument. Talk to your director about making the best musical investment you can make!! To learn more, click here.

*Students are not required to purchase or rent an instrument to participate in Band. However, due to limited availability of flutes, clarinets, saxophones, and trumpets, students may not get to play their first choice.

Method Book

Each student is encouraged to purchase their method book. The books we will use in class are listed below. You can purchase a method book directly from our online store, at local music shops, or online. Be sure you purchase the correct book for the instrument your student plays and the ensemble they are in.

2nd Period Symphonic Band - Habits Of A Successful Middle School Musician
4th Period Concert Band- Habits Of A Successful Beginner Band Musician
7th Period Intermediate Band- Habits Of A Successful Beginner Band Musician


Each Alta Sierra Band performs several times a year. Please visit the calendar page for a complete, up-to-date, listing of performances. Below is a summary:

Spirit Night • Friday, October 25, 2024 Veterans Memorial Stadium

CUSD Band Night • Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Veterans Memorial Stadium

Winter Concert • Wednesday, December 5, 2024 Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall

Festival Concert • Monday, March 3, 2025 • Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall

CUSD Band Festival • Wednesday, March 5, 2025 • Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall

SJV Band Festival (Symphonic ONLY) • Friday, March 21, 2025 Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall

CMEA Band Festival (Symphonic ONLY) • Thursday, April 3, 2025 Torres HS

Rodeo Parade • Saturday, April 26, 2025 • Downtown Clovis

End of the Year Concert • Wednesday, May 28, 2025 • Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall


All ASI Instrumental Music students wear the following uniform for concerts and festivals:

  • red ASI Instrumental Music polo shirt (purchased or loaned from our program), The polo shirts are $25.00 to purchase, and you will be able to indicate your child’s size when purchasing.

  • black dress pants (provided by the student)

  • black socks (provided by the student)

  • black dress shoes (provided by the student).

Band & Percussion members will wear the following uniform for football games, CUSD Band Night, and the Clovis Rodeo Parade:

  • red ASI Instrumental Music T-Shirt (purchased or loaned from our program). The T-shirts are $15.00 to purchase, and you will be able to indicate your child’s size when purchasing

  • jeans (provided by the student)

  • tennis shoes (provided by the student)

    *You can purchase the polo shirt and T-shirt on our online store. If you purchased a t-shirt and/or polo as a 7th grader, you can use them again in 8th grade, as long as they still fit.


All students have been assigned a Google Classroom Band class to join that we will use for class announcements, assignments, and other information. Please join the class that matches the one on your schedule:
2nd period Symphonic Band: jdicsoj
4th period Concert Band: tojosoa
7th period Intermediate Band: yqatnco


Students will be graded on: Performances, Participation, Assessments, & Assignments. 

Performances (worth 100 points each)

Being a member of the Alta Sierra Band is a commitment to performing. It’s expected that Band members will participate in ALL scheduled performances. In order to receive full participation credit, students should wear the appropriate uniform, and participate in an appropriate manner. As representatives of ASI, students’ best behavior is expected! 

Participation (worth 10 points per week)

Weekly credit will be given for participating in class in an appropriate manner, demonstrating consistent improvement, and being prepared for class.

Assessments (worth 25 points per assessment)

Students will be expected to demonstrate musical proficiency by periodically taking playing tests.

Assignments (worth 25 points per assignment)

Students will learn music theory, vocabulary, and notation. They’ll be expected to demonstrate their knowledge by periodically taking music theory tests. 

Grading Scale

A - 90.0% to 100.00%
B - 80.0% to 89.9%
C - 70.0% to 79.9%
D - 60.0% to 69.9%
F - 59.9% and below.


Please click here to review the expectations for students who participate in the Buchanan Educational Center Instrumental Music program.

ASI Band Room Rules

  • ASI Band Members are RESPECTFUL!
    NO TALKING when the teacher is talking!
    Treat the instruments & equipment with care.
    Be KIND to others, both with words and actions!

  • ASI Band Members are RESPONSIBLE!
    Get to class on time and set up immediately!
    Don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you!
    No food or drink in the classroom!

  • ASI Band Members are RELIABLE!
    Attend all performances... others count on you!
    Don’t back out of things at the last minute.
    Stay in SUPERVISED areas at all times!

  • ASI Band Members are READY FOR CLASS!
    Have all necessary materials EVERY class!
    Practice your instrument a little bit each day!
    Use the restroom and get a drink before class.

  • ASI Band Members are WELL-BEHAVED!
    Keep your hands & feet to yourself!
    No running, shouting, or throwing things!
    NEVER use bad language!

Cell Phone Policy

Unless under the direction of staff (for specific instructional or curricular purposes), students may not use electronic devices, including cell phones and/or earbuds, in classrooms. Devices should be turned off and stored according to the teacher’s directions. Devices may not be used in restrooms, locker rooms, or other spaces where students have an expectation of privacy.


MakeMusic Cloud (formerly SmartMusic)
SmartMusic will largely be used to assess students’ development on their instruments through tests taken outside of class time. is a great resource we’ll use almost daily in class. Students can also access this program online at home for extra music theory training and practice.


Tuners & Metronomes
It’s extremely important that young musicians learn to play IN TUNE, and with a STEADY PULSE, so they can match their sound and tempo with the rest of the class. An excellent tuner/metronome that we recommend here at the Buchanan Educational Center is the Korg TM-60 (or TM-70). The Korg TM-60 can be found at most music instrument stores, as well as on Amazon or directly from the Korg website. We’ll talk more about tuners & metronomes with the students during the first couple weeks of school.
*In order to use the tuner in class while other musicians are playing, it’s optimal to also have a contact microphone that plugs into the tuner and fastens to the student’s instrument!